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From hosting high-traffic platforms to sorting out the infrastructure of big data platforms, our cloud consultants are there to lay down a solid foundation. We chart out the platform and its context while drawing on our extensive knowledge and expertise of the digital landscape.

In many cases, the developer responsible for the development of the platform is also responsible for hosting. This may sound logical, but it isn’t. Why? Because there is often a lack of knowledge and experience with the hosting environments that your platform needs both today and in the future. As a result, you run the risk that the platform’s infrastructure is not designed for scalability. It also happens that continuity and security are not taken into account. So your data may have been an important business tool at first, but turns into something that threatens the performance of your applications before long. Suddenly, questions like ‘Are we actually allowed to collect this data?’ ‘How do we structure all this data?’ and ‘How do we store it?’ become very much the order of the day. To put it succinctly, your organisation enters a new stage. ‘That’s how it’s always been done’ is just not good enough anymore. The possibility to scale up, continued development and the ability to stay ahead of demand – that’s what your platform really needs.

Effective solutions

Relay is independent. We’re not tied to a particular cloud provider or software vendor.

Our experienced cloud consultants will find a solution that is suitable for your organisation and your platform. Relay provides an effective link between application development and the infrastructure behind the platform, a type of integration that often leaves much to be desired. Relay safeguards the synergy between the two domains, providing clarity and transparency. We identify both opportunities and threats and keep you proactively informed.

By eliminating any uncertainties regarding hosting, we can guarantee the availability of digital online platforms and ensure optimal availability, keeping you right on track. In fact, for many of our clients we achieve this at an early stage during the development of the platform. But we can also be introduced at a later stage if necessary, even if you already have a cloud provider or IT administrator. Together we take hosting your platform to the next level.

Curious about the status of your platform or interested in how Relay can benefit your organisation? Contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss the options, no strings attached.


Our experience with technology goes way back. Once the infrastructure has been designed, our engineers can turn it into the most advanced solutions. They are always up to date on the latest developments and determine the best possible configuration for your particular platform, always striving towards a perfect synergy between software and hosting.

Based on the platform’s purpose, our consultants will have drawn up an outline of the required resources. It is then up to our engineers to incorporate the execution into an implementation plan and bring it to life. It goes without saying that we take traffic, scalability and security into consideration. We discuss this plan with our clients and developers of the platform.

We take the utmost of care when we implement the infrastructure of your platform. After all, every platform is different and requires its own solution and approach.

Since Relay takes up a clear position at its clients during the development of complex platforms, it is able to offer a suitable solution that truly meets the platform’s requirements. Our clients also engage Relay to deal with digital platforms for which the existing hosting solution does not suffice. In that case, our engineers ensure a seamless transition between the current and the new solution.

In both scenarios, it is imperative that your platform with our infrastructure is future-proof and available online and also that it can actually convert. This is only possible when the synergy between your platform software and its hosting is perfect. Your wish is our command!

Relay has experience with platforms such as DigitalOcean’s IaaS and PaaS platforms, Amazon (AWS), Microsoft (Azure) and Google (Apps and Cloud) – all leading cloud providers that support the provision of effective hosting and application solutions.

Interested in what we can do for your platform and your organisation? Contact us to discuss the options, free of obligation.

Administration and Management

The availability of your platform is essential for the continuity of your organisation. Relay helps its clients achieve a high level of availability and supports them in the management of the risks that your platform may face.

Relay ensures that its clients’ digital platforms have the best possible configuration, which means it is able to guarantee the online availability of its clients. To achieve this, proper management, administration and maintenance are essential. That’s why we monitor your digital platform and its infrastructure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Active monitoring allows for the identification and elimination of any problems at an early stage, even before they become a threat to the continuity of your platform. In the unlikely event that an incident does occur due to external factors, we take appropriate action. In addition, we can use data to proactively advise you and identify any opportunities that present itself, making it possible to get the best out of the available technology.

We continuously identify opportunities and keep you informed about the latest developments. Together we take hosting your platform to the next level.

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